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Thursday, February 22, 2007

A Day without the net.... nope

Julie has been talking about how March 24th will be Shutdown Day. It is supposed to be the biggest global experiment ever to take place on the internet. The idea behind the experiment is to find out how many people can go without a computer for one whole day, March 24th, and what will happen if we all participate! It just makes me shake thinking about it! Go without internet? Not me!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007


We sold our beloved motorcycle a few months ago. We had riden it everywhere. I knew we would miss it but we think we would like a Harley Davidson Ultra Classic. We had a Softail and it was becoming more and more uncomfortable for me. I guess I need a recliner on the back. LOL I wish we could afford two of them because I loved the looks of our white with red striping bike. It had the fringed saddlebags and saddle seat. Sheesh, I miss that bike.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Cosmetic Surgery

If you had a chance to have plastic surgery would you do it? I think I would. I would opt for liposuction. I would be afraid because I have heard where people have died during the proceedure. I hope those were isolated incidents. I think I could look so much better without all this excess baggage. I don't think it will ever happen though because of the cost. I think I'd rather take a nice vacation!