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Friday, June 1, 2007

Information for You

Whether your computer is for personal use or for work, it is important to keep up with the latest technology. Geeks are Sexy is a great website for information that can help your computer experience become better and help you avoid any pitfalls already experienced by the authors or people they have come across as they research and use their own computers. They even offer product reviews on products not related to computers such as this LCD TV set

Significant features of the site are the reviews on various products. It is helpful before purchasing hardware or software to see if other users have liked the product. If they didn't like a product you can find out why and evaluate it for yourself. Especially helpful are the articles that talk about many things like hardware types specifically and different types of software. I have already found some useful information at Geeks are Sexy.

Did you know that a simple USB key, and even an iPod, could easily be used to steal data or to introduce viruses and other nasties to your network? Scan your network for usb related security risks is a problem that I hadn't considered and I really appreciate it being brought to my attention. I am ready to get better security software after reading how easy it is to get into a huge mess. The software recommended is used by the author and sounds very easy to use.

Enjoy this great site.

Speaker Has TB

You have probably heard about the man who has TB. I have followed the story and the strangest things are intertwined with this mess. His father in-law works for the Center for Disease Control or CDC! Which department does he work in? Well, it would be the section that studies TB!

If you were in a foreign country and discovered that you had TB, would you call your father in-law and ask him about the consequences and just how to deal with this situation? Wouldn't your new wife say, "Hey, let's call Dad and see what he thinks we should do?"

What angers me is that the computer at the border flagged this guy and told the patrol guard to detain him. The guard took it upon himself to let him go because he didn't look sick. I guess that guy got fired. As well, he should.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Many of you know that I write advertising on my blog to let people know about fun and interesting sites. I wrote an ad about a vacation idea and it got me thinking. I should use this site to plan a real vacation! We are going to North Carolina soon to visit our daughter and instead of worrying about a place to stay when we get there I decided it would be a lot less nerve racking to know if we had a room ready for us after traveling all that way. Hotel Reservation has a fantastic website for planning all the details. I put in the dates of our trip and other important information and clicked search. It brought up three hotels in the area we want to stay. I can make all the arrangement online through Hotel

We don't need to rent a car or have a shuttle from the airport since we are driving our own car. It is nice to know that those arrangements can be made at Hotel just as easily as it was to make our hotel reservations.

Their website is secure so I know it will be safe to use my credit card to book our room. After submitting your reservation request, you will be provided with an email address to use to make inquires about your request. Their agents are highly qualified and super friendly. They are available 24-hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year (including holidays) to answer your questions. All you have to do is ask. That is great customer service.

They have routine cancellation policies and those are spelled out on their website. In fact, each time you check out a particular rental of interest, the Cancellation Policy will be provided in red or there will be a link to read the cancellation policy. You can also view the property information page to find the cancellation policy. These policies will vary from lodging to lodging, so you must read each one carefully.

See, it is easy, secure, fast and reliable!

Portable Air Conditioners

We got our new room all fixed up and enjoyed it for a few days. Now it is too hot to sit out there except in the mornings and late at night. I've been looking at portable airconditioning systems. They seem to be very expensive. I was wondering if any of you have one and can tell me how you like it. I am wondering if it is noisy and if it cools nicely.

It Is Mint!

It seems like everything is going up. I don't want to talk about the price of gas. That makes my blood pressure go up. The temperature outdoors keeps going up. My kids keep growing up. The only thing that has gone down is the APR that Mint Credit Cards offers!

This uk credit card has an attractive introductory offer and has recently lowered their typical APR. Their interest rates on balance transfers look interesting too.

MINT is a business name of The Royal Bank of Scotland. Check out their site to see if this isn't the best credit card offer ever. Be sure to read the agreement so you know that to benefit from the full period of any special offer you must not break any term of your credit card agreement.

Maybe this is the card you need to get those credit card balances down!

Give Her Wings

I thought I would share a bit of what our daughter has been doing. She is loving this! A few more weeks of learning about the airplanes and helicopters and she will begin the bookwork. Doesn't she look like a happy camper?


I am telling you that if you haven't checked out Bid4Prizes you are missing out! My friend just won a digital camera! Woo hoo! Remember when I told you how you win by having the lowest bid? Well, she did and she won! It is so simple. How about this $500 Tiffany Gift card for a great prize?

That pretty red BMW is what I keep checking out. I AM going to win one a prize at Bid4Prizes one of these days. I have been pretty lucky at winning a few things so hopefully I will pick the lowest bid for that beautiful car. It is so easy to register and then start bidding. You might be the lucky one to win a million dollars in cash! I hope you will remember me when you do!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

How Much Are You Paying Per Gallon?

I have heard a lot of complaining about the price of gas. We are paying $2.70 per gallon. I see where the national average is $3.22 for a gallon of regular.

Politicians keep saying they will do something about it but in reality there is not much they can do. Many people cannot afford to cut back on their driving. For some, driving is part of their job. Salesmen have to drive. Truckers have to drive. Deliveries have to be made.

What will be effected will be the things that don't have to be done. Things like vacations.

Learn About Loans

I think there should be a class set up for newly married and young people in general so they can get a lesson on loans. When we go to apply for a loan, I don't really understand half of what is said. I just sign the papers. That is not good.

Loan Wize is a great place to get information. They have categories on different types of loans and then give information on those types of loans.

Do you know what a secured loan is? It is a loan where something of value is put up as collaterol in case you cannot pay for the loan. If you can't pay, the bank or lending institution takes the collaterol. A mortgage is usually a secured loan. The house is the collaterol. It is a popular thing today to take our a secured loan to make improvements on your home.

Loan Wize has informative articles like this one that talks about economic outlook and mortgages. See what is going on in the world. Learn from mistakes others have made.

If you are thinking of purchasing a home, an interesting article for you is this one that tells how first time buyers are finding the value of fixed rate mortgages.

Getting a loan can be a daunting experience. If you study and read up on the type of loan you are needing, you can make informed decisions. That is a better way to make a decision. Don't rush into things. Study and get help from reputable lenders like Loan Wize.

Feeling Sick

Did you hear on the news, that a man who knew he had TB went on a trip and exposed everyone on the plane to that horrible disease? He said his doctor suggested he not go. He thought is was ok since the doctor didn't come right out and say DON'T GO. Now it is a big mess. All those people will have to be tested. What a jerk.

I feel sick today. It is not TB, I'm sure. I just have a metallic taste in my mouth and I am so tired. No energy in this body. Thank goodness it is my afternoon off from work. I hate not feeling well on my day off though. I like to run errands and get things done. It's not happening today.

Insurance Is So Expensive

Well, since I am on a rant, I might as well rant about this! Greg didn't turn in his good grade certificate last semester so his car insurance went up by $300.00. They said he can turn it in and we will get a credit. He is a boy and not yet 25, so you can imagine the cost of his insurance. I don't know why males have to pay higher insurance rates. Have they checked into the statistics lately? Do the insurance underwriters still show males as being the higher risk drivers? All I know is it sure is expensive.

It is the law to have motor insurance on a vehicle. I don't know how people get by with not having it but I suppose it is because our jails are already filled with people so the ones who pull stunts like not having motor insurance are let go.

I always get valuable information at the Thrifty Scot website. They have a list of things you can do to help lower the cost of motor insurance. They recommend that you put an alarm on your car to deter would be thieves. An immobilizer is a great idea for keeping your car out of the criminal's hands. When possible, park your car in a garage or at least off the street. Decide if you need full coverage or could get by with fire and theft insurance.

I have talked about how good Thrifty Scot is for checking out the best credit cards and mortgages. They seem to know best about motor insurance too!

Owning Your Space

Does it seem like your appliances break down in cycles? Once something breaks down, all the others feel like they have to join in. It gets expensive owning a home. Sometimes, I think renting would be better. After reading some of the blogs lately, I am glad I have control over where I live because our neighbors are at least a half an acre away. I like that.

School Loans

I am so glad that we consolidated Greg's student loans. Every year he got a new loan. That makes 4 loans I would be managing for him. By working out a Student loan consolidation loan he combined those loans. One payment is so much easier to deal with. By consolidating he was also able to save money because he obtained a lower interest rate. Student loan consolidation is always a smart idea.the The advantages of NextStudent’s Private Student Loans are excellent in that they make repayment more manageable, especially for those who are continuing on in college. Private student loans have no application deadlines and can be applied for online. Private Student Loans are set up so that no payments are required until after graduation.

Hot Flashes

Do any of you have hot flashes? I have had them off and on since I was 21. I guess it is something hormonal. They are so uncomfortable because I feel paralyzed while having one. I think there are foods that trigger them more than others. I think I better find out which ones they are. I see in Newsweek where they are linking hot flashes with an increased risk of heart disease.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Have Great Lengthy Conversations

You can save money on international calls by using a unique service through By using rebppp you won't have to rush through your phone call and you will have time to pass the phone around so all the cousins can talk to Grandma! Many mobile phone calls are expensive when calling internationally. With a Rebtel number you pay a small per-minute fee to Rebtel, which varies depending on which country you’re calling. Your mobile network may also charge you for a local call. This is still much cheaper than a normal international call.

Rebtel Inc.,, provides millions of mobile phone users with the ability to make free or low-priced international calls to more than 36 countries around the world, reaching over 1.3 Billion people. It is very easy to sign up so go to their website and read in depth how it all works and then enjoy your conversations!

Sponsored post.

Pitting Animals Against Each Other

When we drive through Kentucky I always see roosters penned in cages. I am not sure why they are caged but I suspect they are being raised for cock fighting. Lovely.

Why do people do that? If it is for the money, then tell me why does a sports star do this?

The brick house Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick owned on Moonlight Road in rural Smithfield, Va., is painted white. It has a white door, a white fence and a huge white gate that opens on a spare front lawn holding a white birdbath. In the woods behind the house, out of view from the road, stand five smaller buildings. These are painted black -- not gray or charcoal, but pure black, as if they'd been dipped in ink. They are set off from the house by a fence, also painted black.

Kathy Strouse, an animal control officer, was standing in front of those outbuildings as night fell on April 25 when a simple question came to her: Why the black paint? A moment passed before Strouse had an answer. At night, when most dogfights are held, no one would know these buildings were here.

Strouse, 54, is a member of the Virginia Animal Fighting Task Force, a consortium of animal control and law enforcement officials from around the state. She serves as an expert witness in dogfighting trials and teaches investigative tactics to animal control officers nationwide. As she and officers from the Surry County sheriff's office probed each of the back buildings and the rest of the 15-acre property that night, she saw what she considers unmistakable evidence of a professional dogfighting operation.

Don't Throw Your Life Away

Not too many years ago, if you had a problem with drugs and alcohol, there wasn't too much you could do about it. There were treatment centers but the subject was so taboo that you risked losing your children if it was found that you had a problem of this sort. With all the attention in the media of people who you would never think of having a problem with drugs and alcohol, it has become less taboo. In fact, many are praised because they took the help that was offered. The Orchid Recovery Center for Women is an alcohol treatment center for women. This center is a serene protective environment that helps women achieve success in their program. It is very affordable compared to other treatment centers. There is no reason to throw your life away.

Sponsored post.

Lindsay Lohan

Lindsay Lohan, who was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence Saturday in Beverly Hills, California, was photographed less than 48 hours later slumped in the passenger seat of a car.

It is so sad to see someone throw their life away. I don't understand why some can handle success and the money that comes with it but others abuse it.

The Forte Institute

Do feel like you need help when you are asked to communicate in your job? Are you over employees that tend to walk all over you? Executive Coaching is available at The Forte Institute. Whether you are looking for insight for yourself or your company, The Forté System has been helping corporations and individuals improve interpersonal communications, build effective teams and increase productivity. Now, you are able to get these useful tools from the internet. The Forté Institute also provides customized consultation, team building, development and executive coaching services. They have the experience to help your business not only communicate within its own ranks but communicate with clients, etc. Let them make your company better.

Sponsored post.

Finding That There Are Many Solar Systems

Planet-seekers who have spotted 28 new planets orbiting other stars in the past year say Earth's solar system is far from unique and there could be billions of habitable planets.

"We are beginning to see that our home is not a rarity in the universe," said Geoffrey Marcy, a professor of astronomy at the University of California Berkeley, who led the team.

It is the first time we have determined the structure of one of these extrasolar planets. It is rocky like Earth but it has a lot of water which is the essential ingredient for life."

Monday, May 28, 2007

Water That Tastes Good

If you are conscious about the water you drink, you need to check out a new website. is a wonderful site with tons of good information about why we need to drink water and why it is better to drink filtered water. Besides tasting better it is important to have filtered water in your home. It makes a big difference on the amount of scum in your shower and the rust build up in your pipes. I know that with filtered water, my hair is more manageable. In fact, without filtered water my head starts to itch. TMI! Whether you are looking for the cleanest water for drinking, showering or for the whole house, the benefits of having a water filter in your home are difficult to overstate. For owning a filter system has wide-reaching effects far beyond the staggering. Check out this website.

Press Release: provides info on the the health and economic benefits of home water filtration, with some recommended solutions for the consumer.

Sponsored post.

Sleepy Dog

I got out of bed at around 7 this morning. I thought for sure that Brody would be bugging Greg to get up. Since Greg rarely gets a chance to sleep in, I thought I would get Brody out of his bed so the dog wouldnt bug him. That little stinker of a dog must've been wore out because he was sleeping so hard that I didn't even wake him up. I'm talking about the dog (Greg didn't wake up either) not waking up. LOL He looked at me like he was wondering why I was bothering them!


One of my favorite blogs to read is Shadowscope. He talks about things straight from the heart. He even feels guilty about getting sleep the way I am always whining about relaxing. I love his point of view on things even if I cringe a little at the f word being used. I just don't throw that word around. His site is beautiful with it's black and orange tones. You would think it would be bright and buggy but it is actually soft and easy to the eye. His links are all lined up making it easy to find what you want to check out. He doesn't have a bunch of junk all over his blog. I like that. Check it out. He had a really interesting night last night. Yikes!

Sponsored post.


I told myself that today was going to be a day of relaxation. Hubby is outside washing my car and I am sitting here in my jammies feeling guilty. Somebody tell me it is ok! I feel the need to get up and wash some windows or something.

I think I'll go read some blogs first.

Audio Recorder Software

I have been asked to review audio recorder software. They wouldn't have needed to ask because when I saw this site I was hooked. This software allows you to capture all kinds of Streaming Video and Audio, including Radio Shows, Online TV Broadcasts, video clips, audio archives, and Podcasts. I can save all the things I would normally have to stay home to see. Since I don't want to stay home I have been resigned to just missing all my favorite things. Now I don't have to! I love this! My kids will love that they can create high quality MP3 files for listening on their PC, iPod, MP3 Player or a PDA. At you can check out their Audio Recorder Software Review and make comparisons of these best audio sound recorder software programs by price and quality. Get the best one for you. I cannot wait!

Sponsored post.

Sunday, May 27, 2007


Hubby and I decided to move all the living room furniture into our new room. We call this room our lodge on the lake that we don't have. LOL It has cedar siding and windows all around on two sides. It is very rustic. We are going to add a stone fireplace and wood look Konecto floor but that will come later. We have too many projects this summer to start any more. It is 10:30 and we started working on this project at 9 am. I think I will sleep like a baby tonight!