Ok, I am hooked. In celebration of the unrated dvd Reno 911! Miami The Movie, they have come out with some interactive online games. I tried out the game called "Midnight Shootout" and I have been glued to this computer all morning! I never thought I could have so much fun shooting little old ladies and clowns. They show you the people standing in front of the buildings or whatever and you have to try and remember which ones were the bad guys. The screen goes black and you begin shooting. The last round I got to shoot a rocket launcher. I wasn't supposed to set any buildings on fire but OOOps! LOL I don't consider myself too bad, especially compared with the wacky characters on the dvd!
My scores were:
Shots Fired 50
% of Hits 102%
I hit 10 bad guys
8 innocent bystanders I didn't mean to!
13 cops Won't that make me special!
20 specials I don't know what that means so I'm considering it as a good quality.
Total Score 3100 Woo hoo! Somebody sign me up!
I know I can do at least as good of a job as the wackos on the show. I'm glad they aren't protecting me. Come to think of it, I'm glad I am not protecting me!
If you need a great stress reliever, check out the games at Reno 911! Miami The Movie There are four games to choose from, Most Wanted, Calling All Units, Midnight Shootout and PSA. Play them all! You will have a ball.
Be sure to buy the dvd too! You will laugh your socks off. My son explained to me that the dvd is based on the Comedy Central Series. I'm just not in the loop! Well, this movie is hilarious but on the raunchy side, which is why I am not up on this type of movie. A special team, if you can call them that considering how they work or don't work together, of police officers travel to Miami to attend the National Police Convention. The trip is wild and then there is a terrorist attack! Call it luck but only the Reno team is un-infected by the bug set off by the terrorist. It is up to them to protect everyone.