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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

KT Tunstall

I finally figured out who sings one of my favorite songs, Black Horse and The Cherry Tree. It is KT Tunstall a new songwriter whose gravely voice reminds me of Carol King and Stevie Nicks. Add a little Janis Joplin raunchiness and you have her sound. Picture sitting in a smokey bar with a pool table and this skinny girl is strumming her guitar and singing songs from her soul. My favorite song is an upbeat story and makes me want to sing along with it. Now I have the CD so I can! She grew up in St. Andrew's beautiful countryside. Knowing she was adopted at birth gave her the insight of knowing that she could have led quite a different life that the sheltered one she enjoyed. Her intensity shines through the lyrics in each of her songs which she sings with her life inspired wisdom. Describing her inquiring imagination, she explains, "My songs examine and explore little specific emotions or situations or stories. They're kitchen table songs, like a conversation between me and one other person. It's almost like an alien has been sent to get emotional samples from human beings and put it all together on a record." Her CD joins my Cheryl Crowe, Fleetwood Mac and Carrie Underwood compilations. Information was gathered from Kt's website biography.