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Friday, July 6, 2007

Buying Online

Years ago, we would never think of buying our glasses and contact lenses from anyone but our eye doctor. I don't think we knew what quality we would get if we tried to buy via calling a company from whom we saw on an ad in a magazine. I had gone to an inferior ophthalmologist and had a horrible time getting used to the contacts I purchased there. Having been burnt once, I didn't want that to happen again. I don't mess around when it comes to my eyes. The inferior doctor didn't work with me to find out why the contacts he sold me didn't work. I just thought that it was as good as it could be and so I gave up on wearing contacts. I thought that I was a poor candidate to wear a contact lens.

Fast forward. I began going to our local optometrist instead of a chain type of business and he tried different contacts until he found a pair that worked for me. I couldn't believe what a difference the type of contact could make. I wore gas permeable contacts and they felt so good. I'm not saying that all chain eye businesses are bad. In fact, I had gone to another optometrist in our town and he wouldn't even try to fit me with contacts. Twenty years later he and my doctor are partners in the new eye clinic in our town!

I always felt that I needed to be loyal and purchase my glasses and contacts from my eye doctor. Then I began noticing how much difference there was in the cost. I could order online at a much lower price. My doctor began lowering his prices to meet the online prices. It was awkward to ask for my prescription so that I could order online. I just couldn't do it. My kids had no problems doing so. LOL They were responsible for paying part of the cost of their contacts. Since it meant money out of their pocket, they were going to buy them as cheaply as possible. By this time we knew that the contacts bought from our doctor and the ones purchased online were the exact same contact. They came from the same manufacturer!

I had Lasik eye surgery and so I never did order my contacts online. Online is the only way my kids order theirs!

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