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Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Money Does That for You

I think that this sounds exactly like something Leona Helmsley would do don't you? Leona Helmsley's dog will continue to live an opulent life, and then be buried alongside her in a mausoleum. But two of Helmsley's grandchildren got nothing from the late luxury hotelier and real estate billionaire's estate.The other grandchildren will receive something as long as they abide by the stipulations put on them. What a strange lady. That's what money does to you. I will never have enough money to be that strange!


Anonymous said...

I think that strange might not be exactly the right word to describe her, but since I am a gentleman I won't use the correct word.

I used to be jealous of some of my friends from wealthy families, but then I realized that you're probably right, that having that much money makes things different. I would love to have a million dollars, but I'm not sure if I would want to jump through the hoops I was supposed to jump through to get there.

Maybe I'll just start spamming. "My pet Emu Oscar needs to have a kidney transplant. You don't want to see Oscar die, do you?"

Anonymous said...

It's hard to understand her. She was already old enough and knew she's going to die. If she died in thirties that's one thing, but ... Or did she think she'd be living forever?