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Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Gossip Girl on the CW

Are you ready for the newest television show, Gossip Girl? You better get ready because it is going to be a huge hit. Gossip Girl was created by Josh Schwartz, creator of The O.C., and Stephanie Savage. I just know I am going to get caught up in the lives of all these hotsy totsy 20 somethings. Their elitist personalities are sure to get the best of them. Gossip Girl keeps us informed of the goings on. Gossip Girl only tells the truth. Do you believe that?

Wouldn't you be the first on the phone if you knew the dirt on someone? You know how we all love gossip. The thing about the gossip I learn about is that it is mundane. Let me think. What was the last gossip I ran over to my friend's house feeling the need to tell all? Maybe it was the time Sue's cake fell. She is always raving about how she is the best baker and so deserves a failure!

Always on her computer, Gossip Girl keeps us in the know. Sometimes I don't need to know buy hey! Based on the novel series by Cecily von Ziegesar, Gossip Girl on The CW will is sure to become a favorite show. It is listed as one of the top ten on the CW already. Sex, drugs, spoiled young adults, what's not to love!

The first season of Gossip Girl will premiere on Wednesday, September 19, 2007. Check out the website and join other Gossip Girl fanatics in the forums set up for all you Gossip Girl fans. You can go to the site to check out the cool music also.


Anonymous said...

As a man, and a country boy, that sounds like TV hell :)

I wonder if the market for these snippy 'girl about town' dramas has peaked?

[Heads for the hills]