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Thursday, April 19, 2007


(Really Simple Syndication or RSS) is a way for web sites to share their current news or headlines via a frequently updated xml file. It can also be a way to read your favorite blogger's new posts in one place. You subscribe their site to your RSS feed and it is like saving them as a favorite.

There is a new bookmarking service called BookmarkAll. It is the first online bookmark manager to provide RSS bookmark service. I am so excited about this service because it will allow me to see all my favorites through their site whether I am on my desktop, laptop or at a friend's house.

I am obsessive about putting things in their proper place. BookmarkAll has categories called topics. I will be able to save my church friends blogs in one topic, my message board blogs in another and so on. This is going to make checking my friend's blogs so much easier and faster. It is so easy to use BookmarkAll to save a blog when you find that you are enjoying it. If I am looking at a site about quilts, I can use BookmarkAll and put it in a topic category called quilt sites. Then when I want to look at it again, I know where to find it. It is the same as saving it in your favorites. The only difference is that is also a feed service.

By installing BookmarkAll’s Tool Bar in your IE/Firefox browser, you will be able to bookmark your favorite links and save them to your online bookmark account quickly. This is going to make organizing my hundreds of favorites so much more convenient.