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Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Beautiful Afternoon

I cannot believe the weather lately. It is so nice to have pleasant temperatures. We've been going for walks more regularly. At least, we were until I went to Tennessee. Tonight it is 65 degrees! That means we can save some money by turning off the air conditioner.

When I went shopping today, I left the dogs in the new room. I forgot to open the windows. Luckily, it didn't get very hot. There were no potty messes when I came home. Yay! Good puppies. You just never know. Brody decided to pee in the living room while I was away. Lynn tried to clean it but the carpet turned orange. I don't know why that yarn did that. It shouldn't have. Brody is on kidney medication so maybe that is what made the yarn discolor. Anyway, we know to leave the door shut so he can't be in that part of the house while we are gone. He is a sweetie, really.