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Monday, October 1, 2007

Fun Finding Shops

Cincinnati is a quilter's dream. We Googled quilt shops and came up with eleven! While Greg was working today, Mom and decided to visit a few quilt shops in the area. My sister Grace surprised us and drove from Tennessee to help us find the shops. We had no idea where anything was in Cincinnati so we bought a map. It is hard to use a map when you don't have the slightest inkling of where you are headed. We managed to make it to two shops.

One shop was farther than we expencted. We had five minutes to look in that shop. The sales clerk was very nice and told us to take our time. We did look a bit longer than five minutes but we didn't want to impose. We bought quite a bit of material, thread and books there. I'm sure the sale made her happy.

I wish we had time to visit all the shops on our list. Both of the shops we visited were very nice and each a bit different in its own respect. The one shop gave classes. I wish there were a shop with classes close to my house.


Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish I was with you guys looking at fabric! Sounds like a great time.