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Thursday, March 29, 2007

Don't Want to Crank that Hose

I just started working out in the yard and sprayed off all the mud that was on my new white siding. I drug that daggone hose from the side of the house and pulled until I got it where it needed to be. I am going to get a no-crank hose reel. I refuse to spend all summer pulling on that hose and then dreading when I have to crank it back up. I don't like to leave the house out. The sun baking it tends to make it rot faster. I won't mention the time I forgot to crank it back up to the house and I ran over it with the mower! It just looks so much nicer to be in it's designated place. I am checking out the various designs of no-crank hoses. The prices vary but all are very reasonable. The no-crank hose is an ingenious product in that it is powered by water! I can flip a lever and let the power of water rewind the hose. No more back breaking winding for me. Sponsored post.