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Monday, July 23, 2007

Becoming a Do-it My-Selfer

I think I shocked hubby the other day. I was tired of waiting for him to fix the bathroom drain so I did it myself. I don't profess to be up to date on the latest tools and building products but I surprised myself when I put the drain back together and it worked!

Glue Guns, building product was about all that I knew how to use because of my craft projects. This time I went to the forums at and just asked how to make my drain work better. I got great advice! I pulled the drain out and cleaned out all the gross hair. Then I put it back and held my breath. It worked! The water drained out so fast! I don't know if I used the correct tools but I know that if I need something I will be going to Tool-net to buy what I need for my next project. They offer great deals on power and hand tools as well as building materials. Hmmm, I wonder if hubby would notice if I knocked out a wall.

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