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Sunday, August 5, 2007

Why Bloggers Write About Products

There is a good review about PayPerPost over at Publisher Spot. It outlines the company I work for, PayPerPost. I have learned so much about being a blogger by talking with other Posties, (people who write for PayPerPost). They are the nicest group of people who have helped me fix a broken blog more than once. We have grown as a community and rally together as we strive to help PayPerPost become the biggest and best venue for advertisers to get the word out about their service and/or product.

Posties come from all walks of life. That aspect gives the advertiser a large group of diverse writings and different views of a product.

Posties have grown into a community of close friends who help each other with technical things and with uplifting words when one of us might be having a bad day.

There are some Posties who give PayPerPost a bad name. These are the bloggers who set up their blogs strictly for the purpose of making money. They take the $5.00 ops that require 200 words and three links. The advertisers who are only willing to pay that amount will not get a write up worth their time and money. The bloggers who write those posts are usually not the bloggers you would want representing your product.

There are many good bloggers who have a large audience reading their blogs. Their blogs are not full of paid posts. They actually write their blog to keep in touch with their friends and family or have a theme blog such as one on pets, etc.

My hope is that more advertisers pick up on the fact that bloggers can give their products a big boost and get readers checking out their products. These might be readers who would have never known about their products if not for a blogger like me.