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Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Learn From This Blog

I spend an enormous amount of time researching ways to improve my blogging. I am always reading information on how page rank is determined and how good blogging makes a blog popular with readers. There are many technology and marketing blogs but non are as popular as DataBanq Media. This blog has great insight on a wide variety of subjects that deal with marketing and social networking to name just two. The value of the individual bloggers presented by DataBanq Media is what makes this blog anything but just an Internet Marketing Blog.

For example,David's post, The-Creation-of-Orphan-Pages-and-How-They-Affect-Supplementals-and-Rankings Rankings, was something that I had never encountered and was intrigued at how this all worked. David Bayer's position on how orphan pages affect a blog got me wondering if I shouldn't get right on the situation and check to see if my blog was suffering from "supplemental hell". I don't want my blog's rankings to suffer from these types of pages.

The DataBanq Media blog is definitely a blog to learn from and put to work to improve a blog. I learned so much just from the first two pages!