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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Save Energy

Last night while Lynn and I were shopping, we talked about replacing our store light bulbs with energy efficient ones. Greg did that in his apartment and his first electric bill was cheap! Replacing the bulbs that came in the apartment with LED bulbs seems to have made a big difference. There are many choices of bulbs for various situations. Some bulbs like the 5W LED E27 Edison Light Bulb are used in work places while others are for residential use. It is easy to find the bulb that fits your spot best. Do your part to reduce your establishment's carbon footprint on the earth, giving your business the environmentally responsible stature it deserves! Section9 LED is your source to saving energy and money.


Anonymous said...

Excellent post! The compact fluorescent bulbs (CFB) are energy saving as well. They also last a long time.

Stopping by for Click & Comment Monday.

Anonymous said...

Definitely agree, Ive been waiting for these LED bulbs to come down in price, its about time they have