Upstage Phone
It seems that all I ever hear about is how wonderful the Apple iphone is. I have never seen one. Are they even available?
I am more interested in the cool Sprint Upstage phone Isn't that a great name? You should see this phone. It actually has two screens. One in the front and one in the back. On one side is an "iPOD-like" music player with large color high-res display and touch-sensitive controls, and on the other side is a full-featured phone. The amazing Samsung M620 Upstage for Sprint is the first music phone of its kind in the U.S. The Samsung M620 Upstage offers direct music downloading, streaming music and video, a nice camera/camcorder, Bluetooth that supports streaming stereo music and so much more. I have to have this phone! I think I am hyperventilating here!
And only Sprint has plans where all incoming calls are free, no matter who's calling or from what network.)
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